Saturday, December 11, 2010

John Lennon's Last Interview

Lennon signing Chapman's Double Fantasy albumImage via WikipediaFrom Phillip James on:

On December 8th, 1980, radio personality Dave Sholin and Laurie Kaye flew from San Francisco to New York for an interview with John Lennon in an apartment at The Dakota.

At 12:30pm, Sholin was lead into a room, where Geffen Records arranged the interview to help promote the launch of John's album "Double Fantasy".

After the interview, Lennon and Yoko Ono gave Sholin and Kay a lift in their limo to their recording studio before they had to leave for a flight back to San Francisco. Lennon was killed by Mark David Chapman just hours later.

Dave Sholin later learned about the murder while he was listening to the news in his car. This changed the best day of his life into his worst.
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